Monday, December 5, 2011

Imagine if China occupied Texas

In a previous video addressed to the American people, broadcast on al-Jezeera on 18 October 2003 (transcript here), bin Laden mocked earlier pleading by Bush to other states to provide troops:

?To Bush I say, you are begging the world to come to your aid, begging mercenaries from every corner of the world, even from small states. This begging has destroyed your pride and revealed how trivial and weak you are after claiming to defend the whole world.?

Of Bush invading Iraq, he said:

?He is still following the mentality of his ancestors who killed the Native Americans to take their land and wealth. He thought that this time it would be an easy task and a lie that would not be exposed.

?But God sent him to Baghdad, the seat of the Caliphate, the homeland of people who prefer death to honey. So they (the Iraqis) turned his profits into losses, his joy into sadness and now he is merely looking for a way back home.?

To American soldiers in Iraq, he said:

?? now that all the lies have been exposed and the greatest liar has been revealed, your stay on Iraq?s land is compounding the oppression and is a great folly. It shows you are selling your lives for the lives of others. And you are spilling your blood to swell the bank accounts of the White House gang and their fellow arms dealers and the proprietors of great companies. And the greatest folly in life is to sell your life for the lives of others.?

He ended with the threat that the war would continue until the US abandons its aggression:

?In conclusion, I say to the American people we will continue to fight you and continue to conduct martyrdom operations inside and outside the United States until you depart from your oppressive course and abandon your follies and rein in your fools.?

To Bush?s allies, he said:

?We reserve the right to retaliate at the appropriate time and place against all countries involved, especially the UK, Spain, Australia, Poland, Japan and Italy, not to exclude those Muslim states that took part, especially the Gulf states, and in particular Kuwait, which has become a launch pad for the crusading forces.?

After this statement was made, 19 Italian Carabinieri were killed in Nasiriyah, British interests were attacked in Istanbul, in November 2003, and nearly 200 people were killed in the Madrid train bombings, in March 2004. Later, in a tape broadcast on al-Jezeera on 15 April 2004 (see here), bin Laden said that the latter had been carried out in ?retaliation for Spain's role in Iraq [and] Afghanistan? and he offered a truce to US allies beginning ?with the withdrawal of the last soldier from our land?.


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