ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF WILDLIFE ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT at Purdue University. Website: West Lafayette, IN. Duration: Open. Job Type: Professor. Application Deadline: 1 Oct 2012. Job Description: The successful candidate will be expected to develop an internationally recognized research program and demonstrate excellence in teaching. Research should focus on wildlife associations with habitat. Ability to apply modern field techniques, use innovative analytical approaches, and generate extramural funding support is expected. Teaching responsibilities include two undergraduate courses (one of which is Wildlife Habitat Management), as well as a graduate course in alternate years contributing to the curricular objectives of the graduate faculty. The incumbent may also participate in 1 week of a wildlife practicum, mentor students, and interact with extension specialists to develop and broaden programs related to wildlife habitat. Qualifications: A Ph.D. in wildlife, ecology, zoology, or related discipline and demonstrated expertise in the field of natural resources. Teaching experience and the potential to develop a vigorous, extramurally funded research program are desirable. Experience in habitat management, a strong publication record, and postdoctoral or practical experience are desirable, as is experience mentoring/teaching students from diverse backgrounds and under-represented groups. A background check will be required for employment in this position. To Apply: Submit: 1) letter of application; 2) curriculum vitae; and 3) three letters of reference. The application should contain formal one-page statements of research interests and teaching philosophy. Please do not include reprints with these application materials. Application packets should be addressed to: Dr. ROD WILLIAMS, Chair, Wildlife Ecology and Management Search Committee, Purdue University, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, 715 West State Street, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2061. Questions may be directed to the Search Committee Chair via telephone (PH:??

PH.D. ASSISTANTSHIP, Black Brant fitness at University of Nevada Reno. Website:?
PH.D. ASSISTANTSHIP, Sage Grouse at University of Nevada Reno. Website:?
SAGE-GROUSE FIELD CREW LEADER (1) AND FIELD TECHNICIAN (2) POSITIONS AVAILABLE. Colorado Parks and Wildlife and Colorado State University are conducting a collaborative, multi-year research project to estimate population size of greater sage-grouse in the Parachute-Piceance-Roan (PPR) near Meeker, Colorado. A crew leader and 2 field technicians are needed from Nov 1, 2012 through March 15, 2013 with potential for extension through the end of April to assist with lek surveys. Major job responsibilities include surveying transects or plots on foot in deep snow and collecting sage-grouse pellet samples for genetic analysis, trapping and radio-collaring sage-grouse males and hens, radio-telemetry, recovery of sage-grouse mortalities and data entry/proofing. Field work occurs in highly variable and often very cold and windy conditions at 7000-8,500 ft elevation in remote locations. Position requires extensive snowshoeing and safe operation of snowmobiles, 4WD pickups and ATVs on narrow, icy or muddy gravel roads and two-tracks in remote areas. Crew leader will assist GRA with daily field operations and will be responsible for crew scheduling and supervision, database management, minor accounting and field logistics. Field crew leader salary range: $15.62-17.60/hr., depending on experience. Field technician salary range: $12.69-13.50/hr., depending on experience. Field housing is provided in heated, dry-camp travel trailers or in shared rooms at the Little Hills SWA bunkhouse southwest of Meeker, CO. Housing is contingent on keeping the field house and yard clean and organized at all times. The study area ranges in elevation from 7,000-8,500ft and is approximately 60% privately owned. A minimum B.S. and 1-2 years field experience is preferred (Natural Resources, Wildlife Biology or related). Top applicants will have the following skills: experience with high-elevation/winter field work in rural areas, experience trapping and handling sage-grouse or other large birds, telemetry experience, proficiency with GPS and navigating through/around private property, ability to work in extremely cold and variable weather conditions, willingness to work long days with a flexible schedule (work is weather dependent), ability to snowshoe in deep snow up to 6miles/day and experience with safe operation (and maintenance) of snowmobiles and 4-WD pickups hauling trailers on snowy/ icy/muddy roads. Preference will be given to applicants with outstanding work ethic and attention to detail. Good communication skills, respect for private landowners and the ability to live and work with diverse types of people under difficult field conditions are required for this position. Wilderness first aid and/or winter survival skills or training are a plus. Applicants should send a 1 page letter of interest, 1-2 page resume, and 3 references with phone and email contact info no later than 15 Sep 2012. Please send the cover letter, resume, and references as a single Word or PDF file named ?LastName_FirstName? (e.g., ?Brown_James?). Top applicants may be interviewed and hired prior to the deadline, so early applications are encouraged. Send application materials or email questions to JESSICA BRAUCH (EM: jbrauch
WILDLIFE REHABILITATION PRECEPTORSHIP (Externship) Each year the Wildlife Center of Virginia admits about 2,500 patients ? sick, injured, and orphaned wild animals in need of medical care. The volunteer Animal Caretaker/Orphan Raiser preceptorship (externship) program gives in-depth, hands-on experience in the field of wildlife rehabilitation. Lasting a minimum of eight weeks, preceptorships focus on animal husbandry, nutrition, capture and restraint methods, hand-feeding techniques for orphaned species, wildlife laws, and release criteria. All applicants must be self-motivated individuals with a sincere interest in working with wildlife and the ability to enthusiastically work long hours. Attention to detail, punctuality, initiative and a strong desire to learn are required, as well as at least two years of college or equivalent prior animal experience. Spring preceptorship opportunities are available for eight-week periods between January ? May. We are flexible with timing ? there is always enough to do! Deadline for spring applications is 15 Nov 2012. For a complete job description and application, please visit?
VOLUNTEER POSITION AUSTRALIA with seabirds - Position Description: We're looking for one or two volunteer field assistants to help with research on short-tailed shearwaters in Victoria, Australia. Our research focuses on foraging ecology and reproductive success in short-tailed shearwaters at 2 locations. Volunteers will be involved in the following tasks: 1. Nest searches and monitoring 2. Capturing and measuring seabirds 3. Transmitter deployment. Qualifications/Experience: We are looking for volunteer research assistants 1. Having experience with seabirds, especially in transmitter deployment. 2. Being reliable, responsible and motivated when it comes to following research protocols and methodologies, and an ability to work at unsociable hours when necessary. Salary/funding: No salary is provided (accommodation and food will be provided while in the field). All research equipment will be provided. Volunteer research assistants will also be responsible for their own airfare and travel to Australia and medical/travel insurance. Benefits: This position offers excellent opportunities for viewing seabirds and other wildlife. Positions are available from January ? April 2013. We are looking for volunteers who are able to commit for the entire period. For more info, contact: (EM: mberlinc AT? To apply, please submit a CV to Miss MAUD BERLINCOURT (EM: mberlinc AT? outlining your suitability for the role, relevant experience. There is no specific deadline and applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
Title: ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER (NATURAL SCIENCES), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Salary: $3,106.00 - $4,670.00. Job Description: Under the general supervision of a Senior Environmental Planner, the Environmental/Associate Environmental Planner (Natural Sciences) performs the more difficult and complex natural science studies. The incumbent will research and develop reports to inventory, identify, and analyze vegetation and wildlife and assist in the design, development, and recommendation of mitigation measures to avoid, reduce, or compensate for impacts to biotic resources. To be considered for this vacancy you must have transfer eligibility based on present or past state civil service eligibility, or passed an exam for this classification. To learn how to become a civil service employee, visit the State Personnel Board?s website:? will be screened for the most qualified candidates. Please note: Possession of minimum qualifications will be verified prior to interview and/or appointment. If it is determined an applicant does not meet the minimum qualifications, the applications will be forwarded to the State Personnel Board for review and the applicant's name may be removed from the eligibility list. The posting may be used to fill one or more vacancies.. Additional Information: Working Title: Environmental Planner (Natural Sciences). Position Number:??904 - 138 ? 4635. Will also consider hiring a(n): ASSOCIATE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER (NATURAL SCIENCES) $4,619.00 - $5,616.00. Location: Caltrans District 4, Oakland. County: ALAMEDA. Timebase: Full time. Tenure: Permanent month(s). Final Filing Date: Until Filled. Department Link:? Link:?
510-286-5636, EM: Carie_Montero AT?
ASSISTANT PROFESSORS OF BIOLOGY ? Two faculty are sought. Due to significant increases in enrollments, Hofstra University invites applications for two full-time, tenure-track positions, rank of Assistant Professor, in the Department of Biology. Ornithologists, especially those working in urban/suburban settings, are welcomed. Faculty are sought for the following positions: Animal Biology: The successful candidate will teach an introductory Animal Form and Function course and contribute to the continued improvement of this course, including the development of new labs. Additional teaching assignments may include advanced courses in animal biology, anatomy, physiology or other courses in the candidate?s specialty. Animal Physiology: The successful candidate will teach an introductory Animal Form and Function course and contribute to the continued improvement of this course, including the development of new labs. Additional teaching assignments will be selected from advanced courses in physiology or other courses in the candidate?s specialty. An ability to teach courses at a variety of levels (non-majors, undergraduate majors, and Master's students) is desired. Experience with and/or interest in innovative teaching techniques is desirable. Faculty in Biology must maintain an active, productive research program that has strong potential for attracting external funding and is accessible to both undergraduate and Master's level students. The specific area of research is open but should complement existing strengths within the department. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline, experience in course development and design, and demonstrated teaching ability. Post-doctoral experience is preferred. Interested individuals should submit: (1) a cover letter indicating the position they are applying for, (2) a curriculum vitae (indicating specific teaching experience), (3) statement of research interests, (4) statement of teaching experience, interests and philosophy, and (5) have letters from three references sent to: Faculty Search, Department of Biology, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549-1140, or email application documents (in PDF format) to (EM: Robert.W.Seagull AT? The Department of Biology is a medium-sized, diverse, and growing department. Additional information about the department, faculty, facilities, etc. is posted on the web at:? Application materials should be received by 14 Sep 2012. Starting date: September 2013. Hofstra University is an Equal-Opportunity Employer.
BIRD SURVEY CREW LEADERS (VOLUNTEER) Location: Xuan Lien and Pu Hu Nature Reserves in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. Duration: As soon as possible, minimum of three month stay. Job Type: Volunteer Application Deadline: Crew leader positions will potentially be open for 12 months, but there is a need to fill some of these positions immediately. Job Description: This project is currently being established and we are hiring crew leaders to lead volunteer bird surveyors through our two nature reserves in Vietnam. We have many applicants for volunteer surveyors, but we are lacking qualified applicants for leadership positions. You will work closely with Vietnamese forest officers but their English language abilities are limited. Accommodation is very simple and will be provided outside or at a small ranger station within the park. Your contribution to food expenses will be $2 per day. Primary duties will be: aiding other volunteers in bird ID, leading your volunteer crew of 1-3, arranging travel to survey locations with Viet forest staff, being responsible for data submission, and making survey schedules and establishing safety protocols. There is potential that your position may become involved with other projects in the park. Getting to the station will be the volunteer?s responsibility, but once here, the $2/day cost will cover food and accommodation and there should be no additional costs. Having the appropriate equipment is also the responsibility of the volunteer (Decent binoculars and C. Robsons? ?Birds of Southeast Asia? field guide). The projects are under the management of the relevant Management Board of the Nature Reserves and supported by the development agency GIZ. The goal is to assess, protect and rehabilitate the biodiversity of these 2 nature reserves. Qualifications: Volunteers must be physically fit, enthusiastic and capable of working without supervision. Strict working discipline, following rules, regulations and supervision is a must! Looking for multiple years of previous avian field experience in addition to crew leadership skills. To Apply: For more information and to apply for this positions, feel free to email (EM: Jamesadamcampbell AT? Send resume and please state your interests, experience, and availability.
ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR ? Population Ecology/Population Dynamics.
University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences. Open for Recruitment: August 6, 2012 - Open until further notice. Announcement #: 10000041826. Salary Range: Commensurate with experience. Full or Part Time: Full Time. Location: Moscow. Materials Required: Online Application (URL:?, Job References, Curriculum Vitae, Letter of Application. Title of position: The College of Natural Resources (CNR) invites applications for an academic-year, tenure-track position as Assistant or Associate Professor in the field of Population Ecology/Population Dynamics. A faculty member with expertise in Wildlife Population Ecology and Modeling with strong quantitative skills is essential to research, graduate education and teaching in our programs, to CNR, to the University, and to our collaborators and constituents. Starting date: August 2013. Responsibilities: The position will involve approximately 30-35% teaching, 45-55% scholarship and 10-20% advising/outreach/service. Teaching responsibilities will include a senior-level course in wildlife and fish population ecology, a graduate-level course in population analysis, and a graduate-level course in the incumbent?s specialty area. The successful candidate is expected to develop a strong, extramurally funded research program addressing ecological- and management-relevant questions involving wildlife population ecology, to mentor graduate and undergraduate students, to work across disciplines with other faculty both within and outside the College of Natural Resources.
Required: The incumbent must possess a Ph.D. with a focus on population ecology and modeling with emphasis on impacts of anthropogenic and natural influences on populations of wildlife species, knowledge of ecological and management issues relating to wildlife population ecology, demonstrate successful research productivity through external funding and refereed publications, and must demonstrate commitment to teaching excellence.
Desired: Experience in managing research projects, knowledge of funding opportunities in population ecology, post-doctoral or agency experience, interest in population dynamics of large mammals, experience with interdisciplinary research and/or management collaborations, experience transferring knowledge of population ecology, modeling and statistical methods to applied situations and challenging management problems, experience as the primary instructor for a university-level course, and willingness to engage in service to students, the department and the university.
Contact/Application procedure: For a complete description and to apply online, please visit (URL:?
AVIAN RESEARCH/RESTORATION & DATA TECHNICIAN ? ID# 12417. Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit. Regular, Full?Time, RCUH Non-Civil Service position with the Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit (PCSU), Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project, on the Island of Maui, Hawaii. Continuation of employment is dependent upon program/operational needs, satisfactory work performance, availability of funds, and compliance with applicable Federal/State laws. Minimum Monthly Salary RANGE: $2,189 - $3,396/Mon. Duties: Assist in productivity studies of Maui Parrotbill and endangered forest passerines. Assist in the capture, banding and re-sighting of forest birds for long-term survival monitoring; assist in censuses of breeding birds and mapping territories; assist in endangered species recovery and habitat management techniques including small mammal monitoring and control, weed censuses, erosion control and trail maintenance; assist with analysis for project summaries. Assist in dry forest restoration trials for the reintroduction of endangered forest passerines including monitoring, seed collection, out planting, small mammal and weed control, and coordinating and leading volunteers. Takes a lead in data management including managing Access database, creating reports and summaries. Primary Qualifications: Education: Bachelor?s Degree from an accredited four (4) year college or university in a Biology, Zoology, Wildlife Science, Avian Ecology or related field. Experience: At least one (1) year of experience conducting avian research. One to three (1-3) years of experience with Microsoft Access and database design. (Volunteer experience may be acceptable depending on relationship to job requirements). Abil/Know/Skills: Knowledge of principles and techniques of avian ecology, population biology and conservation. Knowledge of database design. Knowledge of maintenance for database, Linux/Ubuntu server and computer stations. Strong skills in techniques of avian population ecology and conservation management. Able to take detailed field notes and follow a prescribed data collection system, and perform data entry into spreadsheets and databases. Strong verbal and oral communication skills. Able to make database queries and write simple reports. Able to use Microsoft Access?, including database design. Possess a valid driver?s license. Post Offer/Employment Conditions: Must possess the American Red Cross Certification in First Aid/CPR (or be able to obtain the certificate following the training provided within three (3) months of hire). Must be able to complete basic helicopter safety course and external load transport within six (6) months of hire. Physical/Medical Requirements: Able to conduct fieldwork in high elevation forest under cold, wet and extremely rugged field conditions. Able to hike on poor footing conditions for ten to fifteen (10-15) miles carrying loads up to forty (40) pounds. Expected to live and work in remote field camps under primitive conditions in close quarters with other individuals for up to fourteen (14) consecutive days. Inquiries: HANNA MOUNCE [PH: 573-0280 (Oahu)]. Application Requirements: Please go to (URL:?, click on ?Employment?; select ?Apply? and navigate to ?See Job Announcements and/or Apply for a Job.? You must submit the following documents online to be considered for the position: 1) Cover Letter, 2) Resume, 3) Salary History, 4) Supervisory References, 5) Copy of Degree(s)/Transcript(s)/Certif808-956-8344). Closing Date: 14 Sep 2012. EEO/AA Employer.
"HOODED GREBE PROJECT", VOLUNTEER PROGRAM 2012-2013. The project started in Santa Cruz, Patagonia, Argentina in 2008 and in January 2009 our first searches uplands begun. Since then, we have been working nonstop every year, amassing a good amount of knowledge about the species, conservation problems, environment, the gaps in the biological knowledge of the species and the people involved in the story. The project is not only focused in gathering much needed data on the grebe but also putting in place actions that help recover population numbers. The Project is carried by a group of institutions NGO's Aves Argentinas/BirdLife Int. & Ambiente Sur and the CONICET with the University of Buenos Aires. Several other organizations provide extra support, among them Fundaci?n Flora y Fauna Argentina, Canadian Wildlife Service, CREOI, A.V. Jensen Charity Fund. Profile of the volunteers: The main asset we look for in people wanting to volunteer time to the project is a genuine interest in conservation and/or research. It is also important they have a passion for nature and adventure. We don't necessarily look for people with a degree but for those who have shown interest and passion for learning and have something to add to the project. The environment we work in is extreme, with winds that can blow over 100 kilometers an hour and a temperature range from several below to 30 plus Celsius and intense exposure to radiation and low humidity. Volunteers must be prepared both physically and mentally for working in these conditions as many times the tasks can't be delayed. We consider fundamental a good disposition, sense of humor and a proactive attitude because long periods of time are sometimes spent in the field with no access to toilets or showers, camping near a protective bunch of rocks among other things. Tasks: Some of the activities we will do in the field are: - Census of aquatic Birds and shorebirds. - Data Collection in Hooded Grebe colonies. - Hooded Grebe trapping and marking. - Monitoring of invasive species like Mink and Kelp Gull. - Assisting the 'guardians' of the colonies in the detection and control of factor affecting that particular colony. - Development and deployment of direct conservation measures (such us wind stoppers devices, artificial nests, etc.). - Monitoring of other fauna (mammals, reptiles). - Provide help with the maintenance of field work equipment. - Environmental education. Conditions: Since the activities to be developed in the field are of a varying nature it is important that you express you area of interest beforehand. At any case, many of the activities are carried sometimes in a parallel way meaning you would be able to add and help in all the different aspects of the project. The minimum volunteering time is 15 days. Your expenses will be covered completely once you have arrived to Santa Cruz province, including food and lodging during working and resting days. Should you be able to spend 30 days or more we would be able to provide transportation to and from Buenos Aires (assuming this is your entrance point to Argentina). Field work runs from 1 Dec 2012 until 15 Apr 2013 with short rest intervals (2-3 days) usually in places like Perito Moreno, El Calafate or El Chalt?n. This is a long term project hence volunteers have chances of growing in their rich once they have been accepted. Volunteers with novel ideas, an interest to develop a thesis for a masters or a future PhD will be favored. In this sense, we have several research ideas we could point you to. Given the sometimes rough weather conditions mentioned previously and sometimes hard physical activity (a day?s walk of around 20 kilometers is common) aside from being in good shape you should also have good quality personal equipment (clothing, sleeping bag and personal items) capable of withstanding these conditions. Good first aid knowledge is also favored. Spanish is the main language but English is spoken by most of the people involved in the project. To apply: Please send us: - Intention letter briefly describing your main interest to participate, - A support letter from anybody related to conservation and fieldwork, - CV. Applications will be received until 1 October 2012. Contact (queries and applications): IGNACIO ROESLER (EM: roesler AT? kiniroesler AT?, Laboratorio de Ecologia y Comportamiento Animal, Departamento de Ecologia, Genetica y Evoluci?n, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires (URL:
QUANTITATIVE TERRESTRIAL VERTEBRATE ECOLOGIST ? Assistant Unit Leader -- US Geological Survey AZCFWRU; Assistant Professor -- School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and University of Arizona (UA) wish to hire an Assistant Unit Leader in the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (AZCFWRU). This is a year around (12-month) permanent Federal position with the USGS at the AZCFWRU in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, UA (starting at the GS-12 level). The Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Program was established in 1935 to facilitate cooperation between the Department of the Interior, land grant universities, the Wildlife Management Institute, and state natural resource agencies to conduct research and graduate education related to ecosystems, and fish, wildlife, and their habitats that are of interest to the university and state and federal agencies. Unit scientists have full faculty appointments at UA. The UA, located in Tucson, provides world class research and teaching opportunities, and offers natural resource professionals close access to a wide variety of ecosystems including lowland deserts, riparian systems, grasslands, oak woodlands, chaparral, juniper-pinyon forests, spruce-fir forests, and mountain-top tundra. Responsibilities: The Assistant Unit Leader plans, conducts, and directs research and graduate training; develops an extramurally funded research program; fosters a productive relationship with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, UA, and federal natural resource agencies; prepares scientific reports for publication in peer-reviewed journals and for presentation to scientific and conservation organizations; acts as an advisor to graduate students; and teaches one graduate level course per year in the area of his/her expertise. Experience: Applicants should be experienced in the study of vertebrate ecology as it applies to management of natural resources. Terrestrial vertebrate ecologists, especially those with a focus on herpetological and avian ecology, are encouraged to apply, although vertebrate or invertebrate ecologists with strong backgrounds in other disciplines will be considered. Experience and strong interests in the quantitative aspects of applied ecology and resource management are required, such as experimental and sampling design, population modeling, computer intensive methods, Bayesian and frequentist statistics and landscape/spatial analysis. Ability to teach a graduate-level class on some aspect of applied statistics or to assist graduate students in research design and analysis is a plus. Vertebrate ecologists with interest in climate change, predator-prey dynamics, invasive species, fire ecology, spatial ecology, and impacts of renewable energy are encouraged. Successful applicant must possess outstanding communication skills and a demonstrated ability to collaborate with a wide variety of people, from agency professionals, academics, students, and laypersons. Researchers who have worked for or who have collaborated extensively with state or federal natural resource agencies are especially encouraged to apply. The candidate?s area of expertise should complement existing strengths in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment that include, but are not limited to fisheries science, wildlife science, landscape ecology, remote sensing, natural resource management, population and community ecology, hydrology, riparian/watershed ecology and management, range management, population genetics, environmental assessment and monitoring, geographic information systems, community-based management, and invasion biology. We are interested in candidates who can prosper within a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment of physical, biological, and social scientists. Qualifications: Education: Ph.D. in wildlife science, fisheries science, ecology, natural resource statistics or other field related to the disciplines mentioned under responsibilities. Other: Publication and grant record commensurate with experience; demonstrated ability to develop a productive research program involving academic and agency collaborators; demonstrated ability to understand needs of state and federal cooperators; potential for excellence in mentoring graduate students and training future researchers and managers; and demonstrated willingness to provide technical assistance with wildlife management, experimental design and data analysis. The position is available for application electronically through USAJOBS (URL: until October 18, 2012. Interested applicants with questions may contact SCOTT BONAR (EM: sbonar AT? The Federal Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer
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